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Walla Walla High School students receive Exchange Club of Walla Walla Youth of the Month awards

Walla Walla High School students receive Exchange Club of Walla Walla Youth of the Month awards
Congratulations to Walla Walla High School seniors Olivia Welker and Drew Christina for receiving Exchange Club of Walla Walla Youth of the Month Awards Tuesday. These students will also be eligible to compete for the Exchange Club of Walla Walla Youth of the Year Award and a special $1,000 college scholarship.

This year's Youth of the Month/Year Essay Theme: "America's youth and Community Service: Shining the light of volunteerism

Olivia Welker
- 4.0 G.P.A.
- Walla Walla Symphony Youth Orchestra
- Walla Walla High School Orchestra
- National Honor Society
- Key Club
- Walla Walla High School Journal Newspaper
- Plans to attend Brown University and study medicine and become a surgeon
- Parents: Kimberly Montooth and Gerald Scott Welker

Drew Cristina
- 4.0 G.P.A.
- National Honor Society
- Drew has played baseball, basketball and football for four years
- Drew was not able to play football this year due to a head injury he sustained during baseball last year, so he has volunteered to film the varsity football games
- He plans to attend a four year university in the Northwest next year
- Drew has a twin brother named Brett
- Parents: Dan and Lynn Christina

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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