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Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers discusses government with Walla Walla High School students

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers discusses government with Walla Walla High School students
Fifth Congressional District Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers was on the Walla Walla High School campus Friday morning to address the senior Government and Business Law students.

Social Studies Teacher Bill Plucker coordinated the event with the support of Social Studies teacher Gary Peasley. Plucker sent out invititations to other elected officials but McMorris Rodgers was the only one who could visit. She says discussing politics with students helps ensure America's democracy remains strong.

"When you think about America's future, it's our children that are our future," McMorris Rodgers said. "It's important that they understand what has made America great and why our form of government is unique. It's important to challenge them to vote and open their eyes to the legislative process."

Plucker says having an elected official visit the school and talk to students reinforces the learning taking place in his classroom.

"Cathy McMorris Rodger's visit helps show the students there is a link in what we are studying to our government," Plucker said. "This is a government by the people and for the people and we are directly represented in government. This type of visit doesn't happen very often so we are very gracious Cathy McMorris Rodgers took time out of her busy schedule to meet with our students."

Cathy McMorris Rodgers was elected to Congress in 2004 where she now serves in her third term representing Eastern Washington's Fifth Congressional District.

She currently serves on the following committees:
- House Armed Services Committee
- Education and Labor Committee, where she is ranking member on the Workforce Protections Subcommittee
- Natural Resources Committee

She was chosen to be a member of the Republican Leadership team in 2009, where she is vice chair of the Conference. McMorris Rodgers is married to Brian Rodgers, a retired 26 year active-duty Navy Commander; they have one son.

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