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Green Park students approached by strange man while walking home from school

Green Park students approached by strange man while walking home from school

Green Park Elementary Principal Mike Lambert reported today (Friday, Jan. 21) two girls were approached by a man while walking home from school on Division Street Thursday, January 20.

The man asked the girls if they wanted a ride. When they declined, the man pulled ahead and asked another group of students if they wanted a ride. These students also declined and ran. The strange man then made what the students described as a "wolf call."

The students said the man had dark hair and appeared to be in his 20s. He apparently was driving an older blue or green two-door car with a broken right tail light. City of Walla Walla Police officers are investigating this incident.

All district elementary schools will send letters home today with students alerting parents to this information. School staff will also review "Stranger Danger" procedures today with students.

Parents are asked to contact the police immediately upon learning about these types of incidents.

For more information, contact District Communications Director Mark Higgins at: 509.526.6716 or by email: mhiggins@wwps.org



WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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