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District names architect to plan for high school improvements

District names architect to plan for high school improvements

Superintendent Miller says architectural support is needed

School board members voted during the February 1 school board meeting to hire BLRB/USKH (Tacoma/Walla Walla) to help the district design future facility improvements at Walla Walla and Lincoln High Schools. Architectural firms Architects West (Coeur d' Alene) and NAC Architecture (Spokane) were also finalists.

"High school facility needs were our top priority according to the Community Facilities Task Force," said Superintendent Mick Miller. "We are to the point where we really need professional support. We're a group of educators, not architects. Architects can come in and take the input of students, staff, parents and community members and really help us with our planning."

BLRB/USKH representatives said during their interview two weeks ago they pride themselves on listening and working in collaboration with all school district stakeholders to get the right design for the community.

This month Superintendent Miller will continue his Educate, Listen and Plan effort to discuss facilities improvement needs. Miller has met with more than 20 community groups and nearly all staff members. By the end of February, Miller will have met with nearly all staff twice to get input.

Miller is expected to make a recommendation to the school board in March as to whether the district should pursue a bond measure this spring for high school improvements, or wait, and continue the planning process.
A survey is posted on the district website (www.wwps.org) to provide Miller with input.

Contact Miller or Communications Director Mark Higgins to learn more about the facilities improvement process or to take a tour of district facilities.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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