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Survey results support high school needs

Survey results support high school needs
Nearly 80 percent say high schools are top priority

Superintendent Mick Miller met on nearly 50 occasions in January and February with staff, community leaders, focus groups and service clubs in support of the Educate, Listen and Plan initiative.

More than 300 people completed surveys to provide the school district input on the future facilities improvement efforts. The survey questions were based on facilities improvement recommendations put forth by the district's Community Facilities Task Report in June 2010.

This report is available on the Walla Walla Public Schools website: http://www.wwps.org/community/community_facilities_taskforce.htm#6.

Surveys were available online via the district's website and on paper following presentations from Superintendent Mick Miller. Miller will discuss the results on a video that will be posted on the district website later this week. He also plans to meet with staff to have more conversations on this issue.

Survey Results
(336 total surveys -74 online and 263 focus group & staff)

- 77 percent agree with the Community Facilities Task Force priorities (336 Surveys)

- 89 percent believe Walla Walla and Lincoln High Schools need improvements (336 Surveys)

- 43 percent believe Lincoln High School should be replaced with a new building at its current location (336 Surveys) - (*Note: 27.5% disagree and 29.5% undecided)

- 79.5 percent believe the district should reinvest state matching dollars in district projects (336 Surveys)

- 62 percent believe high school needs should be addressed in 2011 (336 Surveys) - (*Note: 17% believe needs should be addressed in 2012 and 21% believe the needs should be addressed in 3 to 5 years)

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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