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Architects organize planning group to study design options for Walla Walla High School

Architects organize planning group to study design options for Walla Walla High School
Architects from BLRB/USKH, under the direction and leadership of Superintendent Mick Miller and Walla Walla High School Principal Pete Peterson, have organized a master planning committee to continue design efforts for a future Walla Walla High School facilities improvement project.

This group has met twice and will continue to meet this month to further refine options. Superintendent Miller plans to take a recommendation to the school board later this month to determine whether the district moves ahead with a bond proposal this spring to improve Wa-Hi or waits until a later date.

Master Planning Committee
Alex Demambro, USKH
Craig Sievertsen, Community member
Dan Johnson, Facilities Support Director
Dennis Debroeck, Teacher
Ed Nakonieczny, Electrician
Gary Peasley, Teacher
Greg McCracken, USKH
John Butenhoff, Teacher
Ruth Ladderud, Community member
Lee Fenton, BLRB
Melito Ramirez, Intervention Specialist
Mick Miller, Superintendent
Mark Higgins, Communications Director
Mindy Meyer, Assistant Principal
Pat Johnston, Chief Financial Officer
Peggy Payne, Teacher
Pete Peterson, Principal
Ron Higgins, Technology Director
Tom Bates, BLRB
Jerry Zahl, Community member
Kayla Leinweber, Student

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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