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Input and involvement key to district's strategic planning initiative: By Superintendent Mick Miller

Input and involvement key to district's strategic planning initiative: By Superintendent Mick Miller
The Walla Walla Public School district is undertaking a strategic planning process and we welcome your input. We believe it is a good time to review our mission and solicit feedback from those in the community as well as our staffs to assure that we are meeting the current and future needs of our students.

The strategic planning process has two important components. The first component is a survey which will be issued in April. The second component is one-on-one personal and telephone interviews with a cross-section of our stakeholders. We have contracted with an outside consultant, Susan Newton of Development Strategies Plus, to facilitate the strategic planning process.

The school district Board and leadership will meet with Susan Newton in late spring to review the preliminary findings and identify key themes. We will use the survey and interview data to create the strategic plan and we look forward to sharing the findings and the strategic plan at community meetings.

We appreciate the value of your time and hope you will answer our brief survey next month. In addition, if you are contacted for a telephone interview, I hope you will take the time to participate because your input is important.

I believe this is an exciting process and we hope that our strategic plan will allow us to better serve our students and the Walla Walla community. All input is confidential and Susan Newton is the only person who will have direct access to the survey and interview data.

Thank you, in advance, for your input and participation in the Walla Walla Public Schools strategic planning process.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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