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Walla Walla Public Schools names Volunteers of the Year

Walla Walla Public Schools names Volunteers of the Year

Walla Walla Public Schools is proud to announce Jennifer Northam, Marla Carmody, Jeneen Webb, Abel Hernandez, Bill Erickson, Patrick Carman, Stephanie Kytola and Melissa Gardner as recipients of the 2010- 2011 Art Regier Volunteer of the Year award.

About the Art Regier Volunteer of the Year award:
The Art Regier Outstanding Volunteer Award was instituted in 1991 as a memorial to Grandpa Art Regier. Regier, a retiree who devoted years of service to elementary schools in Walla Walla, epitomized the spirit of volunteerism in education. His tireless dedication and concern for the students he served are the inspiration for this award.

Criteria for Selection
1. Exceptional service or contributions to the children of Walla Walla Public Schools
2. Unusual dedication
3. Demonstration of care, compassion and empathy

2010-2011 Art Regier Volunteer of the Year Recipients

Marla Carmody
Nominators: Carolyn Smith, Teresa Adams, Nicole Redman
Volunteer Highlights:
Marla Carmody provides support to Sharpstein Elementary first grade teacher Carolyn Smith. She helps her prepare materials for the students, design creative bulletin boards and assist with special projects. By teaching enrichment classes to students in need of extra support in reading, math and writing, she provides another layer of intervention to help them achieve success. Marlas time and talents have had an amazing impact on the staff and students at Sharptein Elementary.

Jeneen Webb
Nominator: Kim Doepker
Volunteer Highlights:
Jeneen Webbs fundraising talents helped Blue Ridge Elementary School raise nearly $5000 for the school. Her hand painted mural of an eagle on the wall at Blue Ridge demonstrates to students how art can inspire everyone to soar. She is often found in the Eagles Nest supporting learning at Blue Ridge. Her talents, enthusiasm and determination are truly positive for the school district.

Abel Hernandez
Nominator: Kim Doepker
Volunteer Highlights:
Abel Hernandez coordinates and organizes the Blue Ridge Elementary morning activities. His energy and passion helps students witness the importance of exercise and learning. This program has opened the doors to the YMCA to students who would not have the means to participate. Abels generosity has allowed Blue Ridge students to experience Karate and Zumba for the first-time. His volunteer service to the school district has had a positive impact.

Bill Erickson
Nominators: Walla Walla High School Latino Club, Armida Contreras, Refugio Reyes
Volunteer Highlights:
Bill Ericksons support of the Walla Walla High School Latino Club has helped students have an organized presence in the community. His support of positive activities like the Science Bowl, Hispanic Youth Engineering Camp and the Cascade Challenge expose our students to new opportunities and experiences. Bill is often seen at school activities and programs to show his support of Walla Walla High School students. His volunteer service is truly a gift to our school district.

Patrick Carman
Nominators: Elizabeth George and Beth Swanson
Volunteer Highlights:
Pat Carmans vision to create Walla Walla Kids Read has helped the school district promote the importance of reading and the magic a book can bring to life. Students also have the opportunity to visit a college campus as a result of his generosity and forward thinking. Walla Walla Kids Read unites our diverse student population around books. Thank you to Patrick Carman for support of Walla Walla Public Schools and the community.

Stephanie Kytola
Nominators: Laura Grant, Lisa Davis, Annette Matlock and Stacy Morrison
Volunteer Highlights:
As the coordinator for the Berney Elementary School mile club, Stephanie Kytola helps students and staff see the key role exercise plays in learning. Her support of the Math Team has been vital to the schools success. Walla Walla Public Schools appreciates Stephanies assistance with the vision and hearing screening program and with the schools flu clinic. Her active and consistent support is making a difference for the school district.

Melissa Gardner
Nominators: Jackie Scholl, Grace Ogoshi and Chris Gardea
Volunteer Highlights:
Melissa Gardners long-standing support at Prospect Point Elementary, Garrison Middle School and Walla Walla High School has been a tremendous gift to the school district. As a PTA officer for many years, she has provided vital leadership and strength to these organizations. From book fairs and carnivals to conferences and open house activities, Melissa has been involved at every level. Her consistent classroom support also connects students to a safe adult role model to help guide their learning.

Jennifer Northam
Nominators: Joshua Wolcott and Lucia Mumm
Volunteer Highlights:
Jennifer Northams service to the Edison Elementary PTA is a tremendous gift to the school and district. She also makes time to support classroom activities and special events. Jennifers leadership on the most recent Maintenance and Operations Levy helped the district secure vital funding for Walla Walla youth. Your time, talents and gifts make our school district a better organization.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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