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Walla Walla High School students named Dell Scholars

Walla Walla High School students named Dell Scholars

Walla Walla High School seniors Berenice Salazar and Janella Bermudez were recently named 2011 Dell Scholars. The Dell Scholars Program, provided by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, is a unique college scholarship designed to identify and support college educations for determined, but financially underserved students.

Salazar plans to attend Washington State University next fall while Bermudez will enroll at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA for the 2011-2012 school year.

"We are very proud of Janella and Berenice for their efforts and academic excellence," said Mira Gobel, Walla Walla High School Associate Principal. "Teachers who have been part of their learning deserve a huge pat on the back. It takes a village to teach students and they have been fortunate to have caring teachers guiding them along."

While many students dream of obtaining a college degree, life sometimes gets in the way, particularly for those dealing with personal responsibilities at home or in their communities. The Dell Scholars program recognizes students who have overcome significant obstacles to pursue their education.

More than just a check, the Dell Scholars Program is the first of its kind to include wrap-around services that help scholars and their families deal with personal issues -- such as financial, legal and personal relationships -- that might adversely affect their college career.

Dell Scholars also provides an online community for mentoring and peer interaction. The program attributes this well-rounded approach as the catalyst for achieving 85% college graduation rates among it scholars, as compared to the national average of 23% for low-income, underserved students.

"We  appreciate your support of the Dell Scholars Program and your assistance in helping your Dell Scholar begin the path toward a college education," Oscar Sweeten-Lopez, Dell Scholars Program. "Your Scholars should be proud, and your school should also be recognized as fostering students to obtain a college degree and realize their dreams."

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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