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Edison Elementary under budget funds generate additional $730,000

Edison Elementary under budget funds generate additional $730,000

Walla Walla Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Pat Johnston reported during Tuesday night's school board meeting the district has leveraged approximately $730,000 in additional funds through successful applications of energy efficiency grants by reinvesting the $1.6 million in excess bond proceeds from the Edison Elementary construction project.

District funds were required up front as matching dollars in order to secure these state energy efficiency grants. Johnston said in addition to securing the $730,000 in funds from the state energy efficiency grants, the district also stands to cut energy costs $42,500 annually through these upgrades.

This represents a 60 percent return on investment. Local contractors were used for the Blue Ridge project.

Summary of projects completed through reinvestment of Edison under budget funds:

Blue Ridge Elementary
- Radon mitigation system: installation of fans and venting to improvement air exchange
- Upgrade to controls for new heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
- New HVAC controls allow for better monitoring of system to ensure proper air exchange
- Lighting improvements
- Ongoing radon testing from third party continues to ensure radon levels are at or below EPA standards
- Project is expected to be completed by the end of the school year

Pioneer Middle School
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning improvements
- Lighting improvements
- HVAC and lighting project to be completed fall 2011
* NOTE: - A new boiler will be installed at later date as a separate project  no timeline set

Telephone system upgrades at four schools
- New telephone systems at Berney Elementary, Green Park Elementary, Garrison & Pioneer Middle Schools
- Networking upgrades at these four schools in conjunction with the installation of new telephone systems
- Project to be completed fall 2011

Several factors led to the Edison project coming in under budget:
- Global recession which led to lower contractor and building supplies costs
- Excellent architectural plans and efficient construction management and project oversight

On February 6, 2007, Walla Walla voters approved the $19.5 million bond to construct a new Edison Elementary bond with a 61 percent yes count. The bond measure ballot language did include provisions to use excess funds for other district capital improvement projects.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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