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Walla Walla High School Commencement to be broadcast live on the internet

Walla Walla High School Commencement to be broadcast live on the internet

Walla Walla High School's Commencement, scheduled for Friday, June 3 at 7 p.m. at Walla Walla High School, will be broadcast live on the internet via a video stream. The live video stream will begin at approximately 6:30 p.m. and continue until the event concludes.

Watch live at:
- www.wwps.org
- www.wahibluedevils.org

To watch the live video stream on the website, a password is required. The password is required to restrict use to local interest.

Video Stream Password (required to view video):
- goblue

Walla Walla High School and Walla Walla Public Schools took the initiative to coordinate the project after hearing of a story from a family who could not attend due to a medical condition. District and school officials soon learned others could benefit from a live video stream of the event.

"We heard a student talking about their parent not being able to come to graduation because they were in the hospital," said Walla Walla High School Technology Teacher Dennis DeBroeck, video stream project coordinator. "As we started working on this more, students heard about it and showed interest. Many had similar situations or others who were important in their lives that could not make it to graduation."

All web browsers tested, and most smart phones, should be able to support viewing the video stream, according to DeBroeck. The production will feature a three camera set-up to offer various views and cut away opportunities.  Browsers and phones need to support flash.

"This came about as a team effort to use current classroom technology to make this happen," DeBroeck said. "It took quick action from all levels and departments to put this into play so quickly. We hope the extra effort will benefit our community and allow friends to 'virtually' attend this important event in our graduates lives if they cannot come in person."

Approximately 450 graduates are expected to participate in Commencement ceremonies. The event is located near the Commons area on the grounds of Walla Walla High School.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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