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Sporleder leads Community Council task force aimed at reducing gang membership through prevention

Jim Sporleder leads Community Council task force implementing study recommendations aimed at reducing gang membership through prevention

Chairman Jim Sporleder and nearly 25 citizens of the region have formed a task force to advocate for the implementation of 11 recommendations developed as part of the 2010-11 Community Council study, "Reducing Gang Membership through Prevention".

After six months of research and discussion, the study committee identified specific recommendations for reducing young peoples attraction to the gang cultureprograms that strengthen individuals and families, positive alternatives to gang activities, and programs that strengthen community awareness and infrastructure.

Working under the auspices of Community Council, the task force will spend two years advocating for implementation of the recommendations. A report of the committee's efforts and resulting actions will be made to the public late in 2013.

Recommendations include:

  • Formation of a bi-cultural civic committee specifically focused on gangsto increase public awareness and public safety and to encourage public participation with prevention;
  • Development of community partnerships to assist neighborhoods at high risk of gang activity;
  • Mobilization of medical professionals to serve as conduits to resources for parents of at-risk youth;
  • Development of employment opportunities for youth;
  • Establishment of teen centers;
  • Reinforcement of all-inclusive behaviors, conflict resolution, and community building in the schools;
  • Expansion of law enforcement officers use of home visits to meet with parents of students disciplined at school for gang activities;
  • Use of parent empowerment models by Juvenile Justice Center, schools and social service agencies;
  • Exploring ways to be tougher on perpetrators of gang-related crimes;
  • Encouraging all law enforcement jurisdictions to designate an officer for gang-related issues; and
  • Exploring specific needs such as tattoo removal of those who want to leave a gang, funding sources and develop an implementation strategy.

Sporleder, principal of Lincoln High School, explained why he accepted leadership of the task force: My experience with gangs is that most of these kids are great kids who are searching for acceptance, a sense of belonging, and love. Unfortunately, over the years I have seen many kids with great potential make some poor choices, and they have paid heavy consequences for their actions.

"If I can be a part of a solution to give the kids in our region other options rather than the negative aspects of gang life, then I will feel good about our efforts and the contribution that we can make to our region, and to the lives of those we help take another path in life."

Many of the task force members were members of the study committee. Additional community members have stepped forward to help with the implementation phase. The group will work closely with individuals and agencies throughout the region to establish or strengthen prevention efforts.

Volunteers for the task force include: Charlotte Bouta, Tim Copeland, Federico Diaz, Guy Gingell, Mark Higgins, Stan Hughes, Johnny Johnson, Dorothy Knudson, Julia Leavitt, Andy Maheras, Sarita McCaw, Chris McGill, Larry Mulkerin, Eloise Phillips, Jose Quijano, Ted Richerzhagen, Veronica Sandau, Peggy Sanderson, Carla Schettler, Cynthia Selde, Damien Sinnott, and John Turner.

The "Reducing Gang Membership through Prevention" study report and summaries of each of the study committee presentations are available online at www.wwcommunitycouncil.org or by calling Executive Director Julie Reese at 509-540-6720.

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