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State Superintendent Randy Dorn addresses state's failing grade on school funding

State Superintendent Randy Dorn addresses state's failing grade on school funding
This week Education Week released Quality Counts, an annual report on how states compare in education. Below is a statement from State Superintendent Randy Dorn on the report.

OSPI - The new Quality Counts report is another indicator of just how inadequate education funding is. Our overall grade, based on six categories, was a C, and we ranked 38th in the nation. That's not where we should be. In one of those categories "funding " we received a C. But that grade is deceiving: it's based on a B+ and an F. The B+ came in funding equity. Compared to other states, the difference in funding between rich and poor districts is minor. The F came in education spending. In its analysis of all states, Education Week ranked Washington 42nd in per-pupil spending and 44th in state expenditures as a percent of state taxable resources.

This is not a surprise. It underscores the Supreme Court's Jan. 5 McCleary v. State ruling, which held that Washington is failing to provide ample funding for education. Inadequate funding accounts for other low grades as well. Among the reasons Washington received a D- for teacher professional development are the state's failure to finance professional development for all districts, the lack of a formal teacher induction and the lack of a mentoring program for all new teachers.

The report does include a few bright spots. Washington received one A grade: Economy and Workforce. Our K-12 system was deemed to be very successful in work readiness, offering career-tech diplomas, industry certification and pathways to earn career-tech credits for post-secondary opportunities.

Despite the negative grades, every day I am impressed at the effort that our teachers and other school staff make. I worry, though, that continued cuts to education funding will hurt that effort. Certainly our Supreme Court has weighed in on the subject. I hope the Legislature responds by fully funding education. Randy Dorn, State Superintendent.

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