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Instruments needed for 5th grade orchestra students

Instruments needed for 5th grade orchestra students 
There has been an amazing turn out for 5th grade Orchestra this year. Music teacher Nichole Riggs reports she is lacking instruments for the students who can't afford to supply their own.

"If you or someone you know happens to have a spare violin, viola, cello or double bass around, I would greatly appreciate any loaners or donations -- even if it needs repaired," Riggs said. "Between Blue Ridge, Prospect Point and Sharpstein, I have over 65 students attending class."

Riggs said her average number of students last year was 28.

"This growing program wasn't prepared for the growth spurt but I'd like to embrace these students wanting to learn to play a string instrument," Riggs said. "They are volunteering to attend class three days a week from 7:20 a.m. - 8:05 a.m., which is quite a commitment and practice after school for at least an hour each week."

Please email or call Riggs to make a donation:
Nichole Riggs
Garrison Orchestra and Choir
527-3040 ext 4926

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