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Patron Tour guest says Wa-Hi ready for facility improvement

Patron Tour guest says Wa-Hi ready for facility improvement
Superintendent Mick Miller held his fall Patron Tour Wednesday morning. Guests visited Green Park Elementary, Walla Walla High School and Lincoln High School during the tour. Superintendent Miller established the Patron Tour program to educate community members on school issues and develop positive community relations.

Parent and guest Nicole Redman says her tour of Walla Walla High School helped her see why the district is considering making improvements to the facility.

“It was a very valuable experience and time well spent,” Redman said. “The Wa-Hi visit was the most impactful. For the first time I saw 25 to 30 students crammed in a very small space. I really saw the need today to update Walla Walla High School.”

The next Superintendent’s Patron Tour is Wednesday, Dec. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Guests will visit Edison Elementary, Walla Walla High School and Lincoln High School. Contact Communications Director Mark Higgins to sign up -- 509.526.6716 or mhiggins@wwps.org.

Patron Tour Guests:
- Susan Prudente
- Krista Davidson
- Jane Kaminsky
- Nicole Redman
- Abby Juhasz
- Katie Christianson
- Josh Gonzales
- Candi Walmsey
- Jeanne Beirne
- Jim Beirne
- Tera Davis
- Lynn Waldron
- Bill Erickson

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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