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Superintendent Miller addresses school shooting in Connecticut

Superintendent Miller addresses school shooting in Connecticut
As I read of the horrible event in Newtown, CT, my thoughts and prayers are for those who lost loved ones today and for the community as a whole. I cannot image the horror and loss.

When a tragedy occurs somewhere else in a school, or in a mall, or a cinema, my thoughts immediately turn to home. While with 100% certainty, we cannot prevent such an occurrence here, we are fortunate to have an outstanding partnership with local law enforcement and our staff will remain diligent in our efforts to keep our schools safe.

We have many procedures in place to help provide the same safe school environment and we have to rely upon those procedures, as well as continued diligence. Our staff efforts to build relationships with students and parents, as well as reporting anything that is out of the normal are our best defense.

Again, I am sorry for the need to post this message and I want to reiterate my thoughts and prayer for those suffering in Connecticut.

Mick Miller, Superintendent

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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