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Pioneer Middle School National Junior Honor Society students purchase toys for area children

Pioneer Middle School National Junior Honor Society students purchase toys for area children
Pioneer Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society members and adviser, Alba Biagi would like to thank the YMCA for hosting the middle school dance to benefit Toys for Tots. The NJHS students raised $534 at the dance. The students have collecting funds from other sources as well to support Toys for Tots. Sunday they went shopping and spent more than $1400 to support the Toys for Tots program.

“We want to especially thank the YMCA’s Christie Druffel for all her help; Home Depot for their donation of Christmas lights to decorate the dance; Plaza Safeway for their donation of roses to sell at the dance; and Walmart for donating $100 and helping our Toys for Tots drive be a success,” said Biagi. “The Toys for Tots program was our community service project for the year and like our Assistant Principal says, “Go Big or Go Home!”

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