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Collaboration schedule to remain split

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Collaboration schedule to remain split
Challenges of common schedule out weigh benefits

In a unanimous decision last night, school board members voted to keep the district’s Wednesday collaboration schedule the same.

After months of study which included parent and staff surveys, discussions with outside district officials and numerous planning meetings, Assistant Superintendent Linda Boggs said last night final reports reveal there are more challenges to creating a K-12 common collaboration schedule than benefits.

Boggs said most of the challenges revolve around student safety, supervision, learning trends, and student program demands.

As a result of these findings, the district will continue offering a split schedule on Wednesdays -- early release for elementary and late start for secondary students -- for teacher collaboration and training. Boggs stressed teacher collaboration remains a high priority and is positively impacting learning.

“We recognize this split schedule presents challenges for some families, but when you look at what’s best for students the split schedule best meets their needs,” Boggs said. Boggs reminded school board members that all schools have options for parents which vary from open gym to study sessions if they need to keep their children in school during collaboration time.

“All principals are committed to working with parents’ individual needs if our current options don’t work,” Boggs said.

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