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Volunteers start Sharpstein garden project

Sharpstein Garden Committee starts school garden project

Last weekend members of the Sharpstein Garden Committee and work team volunteers began constructing the schools raised beds garden project. The project is being created to help students learn more about plants, the importance of eating healthy foods, responsibility and school pride. The garden boxes are being constructed out of beautiful redwood material for durability and appearance. Work will continue on the project Saturday as the committee hopes to plant later this month. Students will plant vegetables, flowers and herbs.

Project leader Beth Thiel says she hopes students will be more likely to eat fresh fruits and vegetables if they have grown them in the school garden. Food grown in the school garden will be incorporated into the schools food service program.

Next year an Americorps adult will lead a garden-related educational program for students. In addition to helping students tend to the garden, the Americorps staff person will also educate students on plant origin, nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. The Sharpstein Garden Committee has secured volunteer support for garden care and to provide upkeep and maintenance.

Sharpstein Garden Committee

- Beth Thiel, Chair

- Nicole Gryler

- Laure Quaresma

- Jason Parsons

Sharpstein Garden work team:

- Scott and Kelly Caldwell

- Brian Wolcott

Special thanks to the following companies for these generous donations:

Kooskooskie Commons (Fiscal agent for the Sharpstein Garden Committee)

Home Depot (Building materials)

Andys Market (Food donation for volunteers)

Subway (Food donation for volunteers)

For donation information, contact Beth Thiel (bethbri@bmi.net).

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