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District names Graduates of Distinction honorees

District Names Graduates of Distinction Honorees

Walla Walla Public Schools names this years honorees for the Graduates of Distinction program. Honorees are: Barbara D. Johnson - Class of 1967, and Neil V. Follett - Class of 1944.

These individuals have distinguished themselves in their communities, professions, or careers and continue to bring honor to the district. Celebrate alongside these distinguished alumni at a reception in their honor on Wednesday, June 6 (details listed below). Listen to their stories and hear who helped shape their lives during their school years.


Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Place: Walla Walla School District Board Room


Barbara D. Johnson is a 1967 graduate of Walla Walla High School. She is currently the Assisting Presiding Judge of Clark County (Washington) Superior Court. She worked in private and public sector law practices from 1975 to 1987, then was appointed as the first female judge in the history of Clark County Superior Court. Barbara is an active Rotarian and has served on many volunteer boards and commissions, including the Clark College Foundation, Clark County Child Abuse Council and the Clark County Boundary Review Board. She and her husband Tom Ryall live in Vancouver, Washington.

Barbara chose Charlotte Wirth as her most inspirational staff person during her school years in Walla Walla. She said "the lessons she learned from Miss Wirth have often come back to me. She taught me to value my interests and strengths even though they were often different from those of my classmates. "

Jerry Cummins of Walla Walla nominated Barbara for this award.

Neil Follett is a 1944 graduate of Walla Walla High School. He retired in 1990, after working nearly 40 years in his own veterinary practice here in Walla Walla. He enlisted in the Army Air Corp right after high school graduation. He later attended Washington State University and received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1951. Neil served as member and chairman of the College Place School Board for 10 years, is a life member of the Walla Walla Elks Club and has served on the Murr Family Foundation Scholarship Committee since 1994. He helped develop the Bluewood Ski Area outside of Dayton, working on the project for more than 20 years. Neil and his wife Betty live in Walla Walla

Neils inspirational staff person is the late Bess Kirk, who "made math fun and exciting." He said he "was inspired by her to go into the fields of mathematics and science...making college classes enjoyable and meaningful."

Nominators for Neil were his children: Marcia Follett, Debbie Schade, Laura Pasqua, and Robert Follett.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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