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School zone flashing lights installed near Prospect Point

School zone flashing lights installed near Prospect Point

Recently four school zone flashing lights were installed near Prospect Point to improve safety. The Washington State Traffic Safety Commission paid for the lights, signs and posts thanks to a traffic safety grant written by Walla Walla County Sheriffs Deputy Gerrod Martin.

A joint team from the Walla Walla County Public Works Department and the Walla Walla City Public Works Department was formed to install the lights. Installation was done by city employee Mike Potts and county employee Everett White.

Light locations: Howard Street across from Shaw Place; Prospect Avenue -- west of Howard Street; Cottonwood near Ransom Road; and Reser Road near the Wa-Hi gym parking lot.

"Prospect Point was selected due to high traffic volumes and the number of traffic complaints," Martin said. "The flashing lights and new school zone signs were installed to better grab the attention of the motorists who enter the school zone to alert them of the school."

According to Martin, traffic safety studies have been done which show that a drivers attention is more readily drawn to a flashing light/sign combination than just a restrictive sign alone, thus refocusing the driver to be more alert in the school zone.

"A driver traveling at 20 miles per hour greatly reduces the stopping distance from 30 miles per hour," Martin said.

The Washington Department of Transportation has plans to install similar lights in Dixie, Waitsburg and Prescott.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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