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Hot Air Balloon rides at Prospect Point Tuesday

Parents plan Hot Air Balloon ride fund-raiser for Prospect Point Playground equipment

Special thanks to local hot air balloon enthusiast and retired educator Jerry Cummins for donating his time and hot air balloon to support a tethered Hot Air Balloon ride fund-raiser Tuesday, June 12 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Prospect Point Elementary. Cost is $25 per person. Money raised from this event will be used for new Prospect Point playground equipment (www.prospectpointplayground.com).

Special thanks to Balloon ride sponsors:

" Coffey Communications

" Rotary International

" Baker Boyer Bank

" Browns Construction

" Doyle Electric

Also this week, the Prospect Point PTA officers voted and approved to give $5000 to the playground project.

"We want to thank the PTA," Prospect Point Playground Project chair Staci Wanichek said. "We are very close to phase one goal."

For more information, contact Cassie Rothstrom at 522-0490.

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