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School board approves policy to limit use of electronic devices at school

School board approves policy to limit use of electronic devices at school

Walla Walla Public Schools Board of Directors last night approved Policy 3243 --Telecommunication/Electronic Devices. The new policy restricts the use of personal electronic devices, including cell phones, during the school day. Superintendent Rich Carter said development of the policy was designed to help ensure academic integrity, limit disruptions to the learning environment and protect the privacy rights of staff and students.


Policy 3243 Highlights:



  • Use of all personal electronic devices prohibited (including cell phones) during the school day
  • Personal electronic devices seen or heard during the school day will be confiscated
  • Parents will be responsible for picking up any confiscated electronic device
  • Repeat offenses are subject to progressive discipline
  • School district is not responsible for the loss or damage of any electronic device brought to school


Middle School

  • Electronic devices  including cell phones  shall not be visible or operated during school hours
  • Electronic devices may be displayed and operated before school and after school on school property
  • Devices may be used in an emergency situation that involves imminent physical danger
  • Administrators may authorize the student to use electronic devices  
  • Repeat offenses are subject to progressive discipline
  • School district is not responsible for the loss or damage of any electronic device brought to school


High School

  • Electronic devices  including cell phones  shall not be visible or operated during the students scheduled school hours  devices may be used before school, during lunch in commons area and after school
  • Students may use electronic devices while attending school sponsored activities
  • Teachers may grant exceptions in their classrooms for use of the devices for instructional purposes
  • Students involved in school-related investigations will not have access to electronic devices
  • Devices may be used in an emergency situation that involves imminent physical danger
  • Administrators may authorize the student to use electronic devices
  • Repeat offenses are subject to progressive discipline
  • School district not responsible for the loss or damage of any electronic device brought to school



The approved policy will be posted on the districts website (www.wwps.org) by the first day of school. For more information, contact Communications Director Mark Higgins at (509) 526-6716 or mhiggins@wwps.org.



WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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