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JROTC cadets to launch program to honor Wa-Hi veterans

JROTC Cadets launch program to honor veterans from Wa-Hi

The Walla Walla High School JROTC cadets are asking for your help to find any veteran with a tie back to the high school here.

"We're trying to find anyone who ever attended or graduated from Wa-Hi who served in any branch of service, whether active, Guard or Reserve," said Cadet Lt. Col. Cody Nordheim, cadet battalion commander. "It's part of a project we're doing to honor military veterans who were ever part of the student body here."

The cadets have a short biographical information sheet for anyone who fits the category to be enshrined in the Wall of Honor at WWHS. The cadets also need a photograph of the veteran in a candid shot taken during service time. They'd prefer no portrait-style images. They would rather have a picture of veterans doing their jobs during their service.

"These cadets want to honor veterans and have taken on a tremendous project to achieve that," said Master Sgt. Gerry Taylor, JROTC advisor. "For this effort, it doesn't matter when the veteran served and doesn't only mean combat veterans. We're looking for maximum participation and want to have as many as possible to display by Veterans Day, Nov. 11."

For more information about this program to honor veterans from WWHS, call the JROTC department at 509-527-3035. Photos received will be returned to the senders, if requested.

JROTC cadets learn military history, precision drill and ceremonies, marksmanship and leadership skills. The Wa-Hi "Blue Devil" Cadet Battalion competes in drill and ceremony and marksmanship events around the region.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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