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Board approves M&O Levy election date

Board approves M&O levy election date
School board members approved Tuesday, February 19 as the election date for the 2008 replacement Maintenance and Operations Levy.
The voter approved 2004 M&O Levy, which passed at 67.4%, expires in December 2008 and this four-year Levy would replace it.
The cost for this replacement levy is similar to what Walla Walla property owners are currently paying.

Summary of Proposal
2009 - $8,278,000 (projected rate $3.42 per $1,000)
2010 - $8,828,000 (projected rate $3.56 per $1,000)
2011 - $9,378,000 (projected rate $3.69 per $1,000)
2012 - $9,978,000 (projected rate $3.83 per $1,000)

What do school levies pay for?
Local levies support school needs. Our levy pays for approximately 14 percent of the District's operating budget. In Walla Walla, the M&O levy helps to support:
- approximately 30 additional teachers
- approximately 50 additional non-certified staff
- school safety staff & technology
- elementary PE & music specialists
- health clinicians & library-media specialists
- elementary physical education specialists
- school supplies & building maintenance
- extra-curricular (athletics, music, drama, FFA and more)
- transportation for school activities

More information will be coming out to staff and the community later this fall.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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