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School psychologists receive state awards

Congratulations to the Walla Walla Public Schools Special Programs Department for recently receiving the School Psychology Services Award from the Washington Association of School Psychologists. The award was presented at the annual conference in Spokane earlier this month.

This is an award given to school districts which exemplify effective School Psychology, practice in assessment intervention, consultation, education supervision, or research and evaluation.

"We have an outstanding team and they deserve this award," Special Programs Director Laura Droke said. "They work extremely hard and they truly care about children and families."

Walla Walla Public Schools has six School Psychologists and two interns:
- Maria Garcia
- Kim Butenhoff
- Heather Strader
- Peggy Tierney
- Alicia Quakenbush
- Pam Amo
- Annie Boyd
- Tracy Khan (Intern)
- Emma Northrup (Intern)

The following was the letter used to nominate Walla Walla Public Schools:
"I am proud to nominate Laura Droke from Walla Walla Public Schools and her entire staff of school psychologists. I am the only school psychologist from a neighboring district. Laura and her team of psychologists have committed to inviting me to their monthly school psychologist meetings and involving me in professional development opportunities. As an outsider looking in, I have been extraordinarily impressed with their professionalism, compassion, expertise, creativity, and humor. This group provides exemplary models for child and family advocacy. They walk the line between district demands and family needs with grace and reason. Their support for one another's growth in the field is also to be commended.

"Walla Walla has been on the front line for their efforts at implementing Tier intervention systems. They are willing to take the risks involved to explore innovative practices. In addition, they provide many special programs to meet the needs of the students in their district. Their willingness to share ideas, tools, and themselves has been invaluable. We share many students as our families move back and forth between our districts. Working with this group has always been a pleasure. They work to ensure that when a family transitions between school districts, there is no disruption of special education services.

"I am sure there are many more things about this group of which I am not aware that would make them deserving of this award. Public recognition for their exemplary work in the field of school psychology is overdue."

Linda Byerley, School Psychologist
College Place Public Schools

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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