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Cameras key to Wa-Hi security improvements

Cameras key to Wa-Hi security improvements

With 44 cameras perched strategically throughout the sprawling Wa-Hi campus, high school administrators now have the ability to closely monitor the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, according to a school board report from Principal Darcy Weisner.

Weisner said the addition of the cameras has been the most significant change made to improve safety. Since the system is web-based, cameras can be viewed at any time and at any location as long as there is internet connectivity.

The user friendly system also stores information which allows for easy review of incidents. Operators also have the ability to pan cameras from side-to-side and up and down to better zoom in on a situation.

"A safe campus offers our teachers the freedom to teach and our students the confidence to learn," Weisner said.

Weisner also thanked new custodian Mike Dill for his efforts to trim tree limbs and bushes for better campus visibility.
Weisner also developed a new, color-coded hall pass system. The system divides the campus into zones and assigns different colors for the zones. Students wear the colorful passes around their necks to make the passes easy to see.

"It lets us know immediately if a student is not in the zone they are supposed to be," Weisner said.

Students must also log out and back in every time they leave class during the period to better track where students are at any given time.

Locker lobbies have also been modified by removing the brick center islands. Weisner said this allows for better traffic flow and improved visibility in these areas.

Parking arrangements have also been adjusted to improve safety. Student lots have been reduced from four to two lots to better supervise who is coming and going.

 Weisner also eliminated the In-School Suspension program to pay for a third security officer. Security officers now wear uniforms, complete with a badge of the American flag for a more professional appearance.

"This has changed how students view them," Weisner said. "They are treated with more respect."

Weisner said the new electronic device policy has also had a positive impact at Wa-Hi by limiting the use of cell phones.

"We have seen a significant reduction in harassment and fights this year," Weisner said. "We have worked hard to create a safer school environment for our staff and students."

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