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Community members impressed with Wa-Hi Senior presentations

Last week more than 200 Walla Walla High School seniors took another step to earning their diplomas by presenting their senior portfolios as part of a new state requirement to graduate.

Class of 2008 students presented personal stories, their best high school work, community volunteer experience, and post-high school plans during the 20 minute presentations. More than 120 community members participated on the three to four person reviewing panels to determine if the students met the requirements.

"I certainly enjoyed the experience of serving as an evaluator and am very impressed with the quality of our students," said Dick Neher, community member and former Walla Walla High School principal. "It is unfortunate that most of the news reported by the media regarding our students is negative and these are the symptoms that seem to formulate the attitudes of the general public. More folks should have the opportunity to see these young folks in action. They are awesome."

Wa-Hi Assistant Principal Mira Gobel was responsible for organizing the presentations. Fifteen presentation stations were established throughout Wa-Hi. Each panel evaluated six to eight presentations.

"We had 218 students present in two nights and 210 students were there on time and prepared," Gobel said. "The community members were thrilled to be part of this and the feedback has been very positive."

Approximately 150 seniors are scheduled to present during the next round of presentation March 25 and 26.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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