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Deadline approaching for Balloon Stampede coloring contest

"Going Wild in Walla Walla" is the theme for the 2008 Walla Walla Balloon Stampede, and the hunt is on for suitable T-shirt designs. The Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce has issued the call for the commencement of the annual coloring contest in grades K through 5.

Elementary school students have been invited to submit their best art work for consideration. The winning artist will receive $25 in cash, free T-shirts, a class party at school, VIP status at the Stampede kick off party on March 14, and much more!
"The most coveted prize, of course, is to see your child's art work on the front of hundreds of T-shirts at the Balloon Stampede," Event Planner Jennifer Castro said.

Entry forms were distributed at Walla Walla and College Place schools and are also available on line at www.balloonstampede.com.

The deadline for returning your child's artwork is Monday, March 3. Art may be given to your child's teacher or delivered directly to the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce at 29 E. Sumach.

For more information about this press release, contact Jennifer Castro at 525-0850 x201, or email her at jcastro@wwvchamber.com

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