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Japanese students to visit Walla Walla schools

Monday a delegation of 12 students from Sasayama, Japan, will visit Walla Walla as part of an 11 day stay. The students will be visiting Prospect Point, Garrison Middle School and Walla Walla High School during the visit. In addition to the 12 students, three adult chaperones will be accompanying the students.

This will be the 15th year that there has been a group of students from Sasayama. In addition to visiting local schools, the students also visit museums, historic sites and cultural centers in the area. Each October a group of students from the Walla Walla area go to Sasayama for a home stay exchange.

The Walla Walla-Sasayama Sister City Committee was established in 1972. The purpose of the organization is to bring together the social interaction of cultures, develop understanding, and cultivate friendship between the two communities. There are now second generations participating in the exchange programs.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Sister City program can contact the current chairman, Robert Keatts by phone (25-0049) or email: robert_wwscc@yahoo.com<mailto:robert_wwscc@yahoo.com>.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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