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District names Art Regier Volunteers of the Year

In celebration of Volunteer Appreciation Month, Superintendent Rich Carter announced Staci Wanichek, Karen McDaniels, and Laura Schueller as the district's 2008 Art Regier Volunteers of the Year.

This award is presented in recognition of the volunteers in our schools and their important contributions to our students and educational program.

This Year's Recipients

Staci Wanichek - Prospect Point Playground Project Chair
Nominators - Rick Nebeker, Julie Wiley, Kris Takemura, Suzette Kennedy, Luz Phillips, and Christine Ludwig
Volunteer Highlights
- Raised more than $73,000 for new playground equipment
- Organized the project design and installation
- Organizes class parties and volunteers in the classroom
- Adopted a Prospect Point family at Christmas and provided a tree and gifts for the children
- Serves on district's boundary review committee

Karen McDaniels - Berney, Pioneer and Wa-Hi longtime volunteer
Nominators: Britt Adkins
Volunteer Highlights
- Volunteered weekly in the classrooms of each of her four children for more than 15 years
- Active in the Berney and Pioneer PTSA for years
- Member of the Big Blue Boosters board
- Organized numerous school fundraisers and a college scholarship program through her church for graduates 
- She takes time to get to know the staff and students at all of her volunteer sites

Laura Schueller - Garrison Middle School and Citizens for Schools volunteer
Nominators: Grace Ogoshi, Ronda Gabbard, Stacy McPherson, Beth Clearman, Chris Blackman, and Gayle Kinman
Volunteer Highlights
- Garrison PTA President
- Organized PTA Cookie Dough Fundraiser and Book Fair
- Facilitated feeding of the staff during conferences
- Organized refreshments at Citizens for Schools Levy Rally
- Tennis Team Parent -- required her to attend all home matches and some away matches
- Explorer Program active volunteer

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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