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"Boundary Committee to study input and make revisions" -- By Co-Chairs Chris Gardea and Dana Jones

"Boundary Committee to study input and make revisions" -- By Co-Chairs Chris Gardea and Dana Jones

Thank you for taking time to provide input on the district's boundary study. We want to work in partnership with parents and the community throughout this process.

We understand this is an emotional issue and we are sensitive to the impact this may have on families. The recent public meetings were just one step of a long process of getting input from families before making revisions to our current proposals.

We will now reconvene the Boundary Review Committee and carefully review the input we received. It is apparent there are pros and cons with all three proposals we presented. We heard many great suggestions and constructive input during our public meetings and on the website.

This was a necessary step as we strive to create a boundary adjustment which best serves the entire district. Your feedback will be helpful as we move forward. We plan to come back out to the schools with new information once we are ready. We'll make sure you have plenty of notice in advance.

Thanks again for your support and involvement.

Chris Gardea, Co-Chair
E-mail: cgardea@wwps.org

Dana Jones, Co-Chair
E-Mail: djones@wwps.org

Boundary Review Committee Next Steps:
- Reconvene committee and study input
- Use input to make revisions to current proposals
- Conduct public meetings to discuss revised proposals

Boundary Review Committee
Dana Jones, Co-Chair
Chris Gardea, Co-Chair
Roger Bairstow
Dondi Cortinas
Anne Golden
Kurt Hoffman
Mike Lambert
Katrina Manning
Tim McCarty
Steve Olson
Donna Painter
James Payne
Laure Quaresma
Julie Sievertson
Peter Swant
Staci Wanichek
Nancy Withycombe

Boundary Information Online
Visit the District Website for
boundary adjustment maps
- www.wwps.org -- Boundary Study (A to Z section)

PLEASE NOTE: No decisions have been made regarding Options A, B, or C. Modifications on the proposals are expected based on feedback received online and at the public meetings. The district seeks a boundary adjustment which best serves the entire district.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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