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"Edison Project fully funded" -- By Superintendent Rich Carter

"Edison Project fully funded" -- By Superintendent Rich Carter

I want to once again thank our community for approving a bond measure to modernize Edison Elementary. The new Edison promises to be a school to meet our educational needs for years to come.

There does seem to be some confusion revolving around the state matching money generated from the Edison project. Recently the district's Facilities Task Force chaired by Dan Reid of Opp and Seibold Construction recommended the district use the approximately $3.4 million in state matching funds to develop a new Support Services facility.

The state matching dollars process can be difficult to understand. Here is how it works. The state rewards communities who support their schools through successful voter approved local bond measures by distributing state matching dollars.

From the start, state matching dollars were never figured into the Edison project budget. State matching dollars can be, and often are in communities throughout the state, used to improve other district facilities. This is the practice Walla Walla has successfully used for years.

The $3.2 million in state matching money from the Sharpstein project was used to install new HVAC at Prospect Point.

We also completed roofing, paving and irrigation projects throughout the district. State matching funds generated from the Green Park project in the mid-90s were also used throughout the district to improve our facilities.

The decision to use the state matching funds from Edison for the Support Services complex makes sense, follows the recommendation of the community led Facilities Task Force and of the "Listening" survey responses, is good for taxpayers, and is an investment we'll continue to see returns on for years.

The Support Services facility has been studied by local and national groups and continues to be rated the district's building in most dire need of replacement. Come visit if you need to look for yourself. This facility is located across from the YMCA and houses maintenance, grounds, warehousing, transportation, food services, and the print shop.

School board members understand the times we are living in and have heard the message loud and clear from taxpayers to limit taxes and bond measures. This plan allows the district to improve its most antiquated facility without having to ask taxpayers for additional dollars.

Keep in mind, taxpayers voted to rebuild and modernize Edison Elementary by approving last year's bond measure. All voter approved bond dollars remain committed for the Edison project. The dollars necessary to complete the Edison project have not been compromised by the school board's decision to use state matching funds for the Support Services facility.

Thanks again for your support helping Walla Walla children get a quality education.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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