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Staff Achievement Grants -- Outstanding staff recognized by peers for achievement

Outstanding staff recognized by peers for achievement

2007-08 honorees for prestigious Staff Achievement Grants are:

Shannon Jones (Science Teacher - Pioneer Middle School)
Lucy Gregoire (First Grade Teacher - Blue Ridge Elementary)
Mike Gobel (Math Teacher - Walla Walla High School)
Margi Ault (Administrative Assistant - Personnel Department)
Elissa Stites (5th Grade Teacher - Green Park Elementary)

Staff Achievement Grant Winners are nominated and chosen by teachers and support staff for superior performance, innovation; exemplary leadership; exceptional service or contributions to the Walla Walla Public Schools.

No administrators are included in the selection process. Staff Achievement Grant Winners receive a $1,500 stipend and five days of paid release time for professional growth activities. These outstanding educators are recognized by their peers as the best of the best. Congratulations!

Here's what Deputy Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan said about each recipient at today's All Staff Celebration Breakfast...

Shannon Jones - Pioneer Middle School Science Teacher
(Nominators for Shannon are: Lani Kiefel, Alicia Quackenbush and Dennis Bennett)
An advocate and inspiration for all, but one with unique talents to connect learning with those who face the greatest challenges, Pioneer Middle School Science teacher Shannon Jones has earned the respect of her colleagues, students and parents for her dedication and passion for teaching.

You'll often find Shannon in her classroom long before school starts setting up science lessons and labs that challenge and inspire her students. Once the bell rings marking the end of another school day, students know they can count on Shannon to be available to help them get caught up or better understand a concept. Lani Kiefel says Shannon meets students' needs through respect, love, kindness and humor.

She is also ready to step-in and help colleagues in need. Fellow Science Teacher Dennis Bennett noted during his extended illness this year Shannon was continually coming in to help his substitute prepare lessons. Dennis says he is forever grateful to her for this extra effort and support.

She also serves on several committees, including safety, technology, science, threat assessment and the Faculty Forum. Shannon is a teacher who makes a difference and has lasting impact on her students. Congratulations.

Lucy Gregoire (First Grade teacher - Blue Ridge)
(Nominators: Lorretta Wright, Janifer Sams, and Amy Hartford)
Teacher, mentor, friend, leader, cheerleader, scholar, clown and a person with a heart of gold were descriptors one of the nominators used when explaining why Blue Ridge First Grade teacher Lucy Gregoire was deserving of this recognition.

Lucy Gregoire is natural leader. Now in her 15th year in the district, she continues to push for change and advocate for children. This year she helped organize the Blue Ridge Soar program. This program honors students for making good choices and modeling good behavior and study habits. According to nominator Janifer Sams, behavior referrals are now almost never used and the school is a more positive and safe place.

The loss of a child is never easy. Last year when one of her students was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Lucy stepped in to support the family. She organized a car wash fund raiser to help the family with expenses. She made calls and visits to the family and did what ever she could to help.

This year when Jeremy Richards passed away Lucy set-up a meals program for the family and helped comfort them through this most trying time. She was always there for the family -- day or night.

Lucy also spent years working in the Head Start/ECEAP Program and remains committed to early childhood development. Lucy Gregoire is adored by her students, parents and fellow staff members. Thank you for helping make our district the best.

Mike Gobel (Math Teacher -- Walla Walla High School)
(Nominators: Mary Matau, Don Wilkins, Scott Magnaghi)
With a mind set that failing is not an option, Walla Walla High School Math Teacher Mike Gobel continually re-evaluates his teaching methods to ensure he reaches all students -- especially those who are struggling.

Mike is always up for a challenge. He has volunteered to take students who failed the first semester of pre-algebra and bring them to passing status during the second semester. Nominator Mary Matau says watching Mike Gobel teach is inspiring. She said it's amazing to watch the students who had all failed a few weeks previously busily at work and engaged.

Mike was invited to serve on the state's prestigious 16 member Segmented Math Committee. His leadership on this committee has helped the development of the segmented math curriculum for the state of Washington which will be used across the state. Mike also coaches football

Mike is also a student favorite. Nominator and fellow math teacher Scott Magnaghi says when he asks students who their favorite teacher is at least 80 percent of the students say Mike Gobel. Magnaghi says Mike has an unbelieveable way of communicating the material in a fun and entertaining way so it is understood by all.

Mike Gobel is a positive influence on his students and those who have been his students and players have benefited from his caring, dedication to them and his profession.

Margi Ault (Administrative Assistant - Personnel Department)
(Nominators: Liz Campeau, Pat Johnston, Megan Murray)

From the time she steps out of her car and literally sprints to her desk to begin another work day, Personnel Administrative Assistant Margi Ault continually races behind the scenes to ensure all the human resources tasks are completed in a timely, efficient and professional manner.

Keeping up with Margi is no easy task. She has one speed - lightning-- so you better get out of her way. Margi has the energy of a teenager and a positive, can-do attitude that pushes her to go above and beyond in everything she does.

Whether its checking budgets, logging clock hours and credits, scheduling interviews or updating files, Margi can always be counted on to do it right. She will always greet you with a smile. Pat Johnston says Margi puts the "human" in human resources.

You won't find Margi procrastinating on a project -- the word is simply not in her vocabulary. She is always willing to put aside what she is working on to help a staff member, parent, student or community member. She takes the time to listen and then serve -- quickly, very quickly.

She seems to know everything about everything in the district. Need an answer, just ask Margi. She's a special lady and one we couldn't do without in the district. Thanks for what you do. You truly deserve this award.

Elissa Stites - (5th Grade Teacher -- Green Park)
(Nominators: Kathy Rudell, Robin Peterson, Jean Tobin, Missy Johnson and former student Andrew Hoffman.)

Students who have never been to the ocean or visited a castle often get this experience at school thanks to Green Park 5th Grade Teacher Elissa Stite whose creativity and passion make learning exciting.

Elissa loves to integrate themes into her classroom to help keep students interested and open to learning. Former student Andrew Hoffman said Mrs. Stites is like Miss Frizzle in the Magic School Bus. Andrew was also impressed how she even ran the mile with her class -- noting some of the younger teachers didn't even do that!

Elissa continually pushes to improve. She recently completed her National Board Certification and continues to serve on district level committees. Her leadership skills shine at Green Park. Nominator Kathy Rudell says Elissa warmly and often humorously invites the opinions and input of all her peers in order to encourage genuine group discussions and decisions.

She has earned the respect of fellow teacher Jean Tobin, especially after Jean's daughter Rosa had her for a teacher. Jean says Rosa wouldn't stop talking about Elissa and all the projects they worked on to make learning fun and relevant.

Elissa is described by all as a life-long learner. Those fortunate enough to come in contact with her find themselves learning life's lessons too. Thank you for all you do. You truly deserve this award.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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