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District adopts new English, Sign Language and World Languages curriculum

District adopts new English, Sign Language and World Languages curriculum
Last month school board members approved the following new curricula and materials: Grades 9-12 English; High School American Sign Language 1-2; and World Languages - Spanish, Spanish for Spanish Speakers, French

"Building level committees at Walla Walla High School have spent this year and most of last year reviewing, creating talking points, and piloting curriculum and materials for the three proposed adoptions," said Assistant Superintendent Linda Boggs who heads the district's Curriculum Department. "The curriculum and materials for each adoption proposal were reviewed and approved by the district Curriculum Advisory Committee and the Instructional Materials Committee."

According to Boggs it was a team effort to complete these adoptions.
"Each committee included teachers, administrators and parent/community representatives," Boggs said. "I would like to thank the committee chairs, Casey Monahan, English; Shelley Mann, American Sign Language; and Matt Bayley, World Language, for their leadership during the adoption process, as well their committee members."

New Curriculum Overview:

1) Grades 9-12 English: McDougal Littell Literature  Where Great Lessons Begin - 2008 copyright. (This adoption will also be implemented at Lincoln Alternative High School.) The last adoption was finalized in 1997-98.

2) American Sign Language: High School American Sign Language 1-2, Sign Media, Inc. Publisher, copyright 2006. This course/curriculum is a Career Technical Education (CTE) vocational course and has been approved by OSPI. The recommendation will replace materials approved for use in 1999-2000.

3) World Languages: Realidades (Spanish 1-2, 3-4, 5-6) Prentice Hall, copyright 2004; Spanish for Spanish Speakers, publisher Santillana, copyright 2006; Discovering French, McDougal Littell, copyright 2007. German will not be finalized until 2008-09, as we are awaiting current updates by publishers to be completed. The last time all world languages were reviewed was in 1997-98.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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