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Board approves 2008-2009 budget

Board approves 2008-2009 budget
School board members Tuesday night approved the district's 2008-2009 Annual Budget -- which includes the $60,754,646 General Fund. Chief Financial Officer Pat Johnston reviewed highlights of the budget prior to recommending to school board members they approve the document which has been discussed at several budget sessions and during a preliminary board work session prior to approval at Tuesday night's meeting.

District administrators, with the input and assistance of staff and other stakeholders, worked as a team this school year to develop a budget which brings the district's expenditures in line with revenue.

The district trimmed more than $1 million in expenditures to more closely align with revenue. Reduction strategies included internal personnel shifts, special education service adjustments and cost cutting efforts in supplies, equipment purchases and contractual services.

Through it all, no staff members lost their jobs through Reduction In Force maneuvers, as all staff adjustments were made through attrition from retirements or positions becoming vacant for other reasons.

Johnston said the district will continue to look at ways to re-prioritizing expenditures in light of rising costs.

2008-09 Budget Basics
- General Fund: $60,754,646
- Budget Enrollment Projections: 5,700 FTE (same budget number as last year)
- District Fiscal Year: September 1 to August 31

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