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Enrollment down at Walla Walla High School

Enrollment down at Walla Walla High School

With the first official enrollment count of 2008-2009 due Friday, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan reported to school board members last night preliminary enrollment figures reveal "head count" numbers are down 127 students at Walla Walla High School.

Elementary "head counts" are up slightly from last year and middle school figures are about the same.

As of Tuesday, "head count" numbers were 5910 compared to 5934 at this time last year. These figures do not include Alternative Education Program and Running Start student counts. Jordan said Full-Time Equivalent figures were not available at the time of his report to the school board, but would be included in Friday's official document to the state.

Jordan noted the district's 2008-09 budget was based on 5700 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) students. This is the same figure used to develop the district's 2007-08 general fund budget.

Jordan said there are still 40 Wa-Hi students who are "active" with current class schedules, but who have not shown up for any classes. Wa-Hi Counselors are calling homes to find out more about these students. Jordan said he hopes they will come to school by Friday's count.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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