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Alder and Roosevelt traffic light repairs begin Monday, Oct. 20

Alder and Roosevelt traffic light repairs begin Monday, Oct. 20
There will be construction at the corner of Alder and Roosevelt beginning Monday, Oct. 20 to replace the damaged traffic light and sidewalk. Crosswalks at this intersection will be impacted by this project for approximately one month.

To ensure the safety of our students, we need to change walking routes during this time. The north crosswalk on Alder will be closed and the west crosswalk on Roosevelt will be closed. A map is being sent home with Edison and Pioneer students to show the safest routes to and from these schools.

There will be providing additional adult supervision before and after school to help keep students safe. Please have your children use the crosswalks that are managed with crossing guards and adult supervision.

Please call Edison Principal Nancy Withycombe at 527-3072 or Pioneer Middle School Principal Dana Jones at 527-3050 for more information.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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