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ArtWalla sponsors award winning musician to mentor students

ArtWalla sponsors award winning musician to mentor students
Today, ArtWalla sponsored internationally known musician Eduardo Mendonça to conduct student workshops at Garrison Middle School and Blue Ridge Elementary. Mendonça, a Brazilian musician from Seattle, presented 60 minute music sessions for select students featuring rhythm, drumming and singing elements.

Mendonça is the Director of Show Brazil, a summer festival held at the Seattle Center and performs and leads music
workshops all over the country. (Learn more online at: showbrazil.com).

"This is an important part of ArtWallas outreach," said Jeana Garske, Director of ArtWalla. "Eduardo will be working in Roger Garcias bandroom at Garrison with 40 band students from the 7th and 8th grade. At Blue Ridge, he will present his workshop to fourteen 4th & 5th graders who in the morning assembly were acknowledged as Soaring Eagles. The workshop is a special reward for this merit of recognition."

ArtWalla has been part of a three year Washington State Arts Commission grant which just ended in August 2008. ArtWallas all-ages Halloween Party will be held Friday evening at 26brix. Eduardo will be giving live performances at 8 and 10 p.m. There is a $5 cover fee for adults, children get in free.

"This allows the community to enjoy the experience of Eduardos musical talents and helps to fundraise for ArtWallas Art in Education program," Garske said. "ArtWalla, the local art agency who has brought Artrain USA to the community in 1998, 2002, and 2006 continues to offer quality art education experiences for all to enjoy, free of charge in Walla Walla."

For more information, contact Garske at: E-mail: jeanagarske@charter.net or telephone: (509) 301-0185

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