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Elementary report cards to look different this fall

Elementary report cards to look different this fall
District to begin using standards-based model

When elementary report cards come out later this month, parents may be surprised to see a new look. Instead of the bulky forms used in the past, the new 21st Century report cards will be easier to understand and more efficient for teachers to complete.

The new elementary report cards will be graded on a standards-based model using a four-point rubric: above standard = 4, meets standard = 3, below standard = 2, at risk = 1. Report cards will also feature daily attendance and tardies.

"In the past, there was a lot of information and different rating scales used that were very confusing to families," said Sharptein Elementary Instructional Coach Kerri Coffman, who is serving as the Electronic Report Card (Easy Grade Pro) Committee Co-Chair. "Our ultimate goal is to have a standards-based reporting system that is tightly aligned with state requirements."

All elementary classroom teachers attended two training sessions in August or September, led by Green Park Second Grade Teacher Martin Telstad. Telstad, who is also recognized as a master technology teacher, manipulated the Easy Grade Pro software to meet Walla Walla Public Schools individual needs. He is scheduling additional training throughout the school year as needed for elementary staff.

"He's done an amazing job," Coffman said. "For many people, learning new things on the computer can be terrifying and he's been very patient and so thorough in his training. He's available for whatever we need."

Middle and high school teachers have been using electronic gradebooks and online grades for the past few years and parent feedback pushed for this option at the elementary grade levels, according to Coffman.

"Teachers want to do what's best for our kids and their families and are working hard on this new process," Coffman said. "Change is never easy, but with the support we have in place we will do what it takes to be successful. We've listened to parents and they want more access to their child's academic progress. We live in an age of instant information and schools need to keep up with this demand. We're raising 21st Century kids and they deserve the tools that are available."

The district's goal is to offer Online Grades for all elementary classrooms beginning in the fall of 2009. Parents will receive access information and training as part of the unveiling of this new program.

"There is still work to do this spring in developing the standards-based reporting system," Coffman said. "We know teachers will need more professional development and we want to make sure its done right once we bring it online."

Electronic Report Card (Easy Grade Pro) Committee:
Co- Chair: Kerri Coffman, Sharpstein
Co-Chair: Laure Quaresma, Sharpstein
Berney: Lori Thomas (we will also be adding the new technology person from Berney)
Green Park: Martin Telstad & Jean Tobin
Edison: Jo Anna Gogl
Blue Ridge: Lucy Gregoire
Prospect Point: Chris Gardea, Wendy Baldwin & Mark Paul
Sharpstein: Terri Gilbert, Kerri Coffman & Laure Quaresma, Donna Hernandez
District Office: Janis Barton & Linda Boggs

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