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Art Regier Outstanding Volunteers of the Years Award nominations accepted

Art Regier Outstanding Volunteers of the Years Award nominations accepted
2008-2009 Nomination Announcement

Nominations are being accepted through Friday, March 27 for the Art Regier Outstanding Volunteers of the Year Award. The Art Regier Volunteers of the Year recipients will be recognized at the April 21 school board meeting. Nomination forms are available at all Walla Walla Public Schools and the district office.

Art Regier Outstanding Volunteer Award
The Award
The Art Regier Outstanding Volunteer Award was instituted in 1991 as a memorial to "Grandpa Art" Regier. Regier, a retiree who devoted years of service to elementary schools in Walla Walla, epitomized the spirit of volunteerism in education. His tireless dedication and concern for the students he served are the inspiration for this award.

Nomination Process
Nominations (use form on reverse) from staff members will be accepted in Walla Walla Public Schools Communications Department, 364 South Park Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362 through, Friday, March 27, 2009. Additional nomination forms are available at each school office and the Communications Office. Each nomination may be accompanied by no more than three letters of recommendation.

Selection Process
A committee composed of school staff, parent, and administrator representatives will review all nominations and determine the Outstanding Volunteer. An effort will be made to select individuals who represent the spirit of volunteerism that "Grandpa Art" modeled.

Criteria for Selection
Criteria for selection may include the following:
1. Exceptional service or contributions to the children of Walla Walla Public Schools
2. Unusual dedication
3. Demonstration of care, compassion and empathy

Recipients of the Art Regier Outstanding Volunteer Award will be honored with a plaque to display at their home or place of business, and their name will be permanently affixed to a memorial plaque in the school district's board room at 364 South Park Street.

Need information or more forms?
Please call Communications Director Mark Higgins 526-6716

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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