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Erik Gordon shines in leading Lincoln's formal dinner

Erik Gordon shines in leading Lincoln's formal dinner
Special thanks to Lincoln Alternative High School teacher Erik Gordon for going above and beyond to make last weekend's formal dinner and movie night a huge success.

Gordon is the leadership instructor at Lincoln. He and his class orchestrated a formal dinner and a movie night last Saturday.

"It was a delight to help with the food for the evening and be privileged to watch the Lincoln students, staff and Mr. Gordon plan, setup, and enjoy the great evening," said Food Services Director Pam Milleson. "They planned a five course dinner and were available to help with the preparation."

The Lincoln gym was then transformed into a beautiful setting for the evening. The staff came as waiters to serve the students. Students came dressed in their finest and enjoyed a wonderful night of food and entertainment.

"I was so impressed with the staff and students throughout the whole event," Milleson said. "One thing that spoke volumes to me was at the end of the evening one young man was being picked up by his mother and was adamant that she come in and see the wonderful setting and meet some of the staff. He was so full of pride for his school."

Gordon spent untold hours planning, working and leading to provide a memorable night for a great group of kids. Thanks again to Erik Gordon and the Lincoln staff and students for this effort.

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