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Thousands of elementary students to meet authors

Thousands of elementary students to meet authors
Walla Walla Kids Read events Thursday and Friday

Walla Walla Kids Read will host nationally known authors David Shannon and N.E. Bode March 19 and 20 as all district elementary students will trek to Cordiner Hall to meet and hear from these successful authors.

Tuesday night Green Park Library-Media Specialist Michelle Shaul and local author and Walla Walla Kids Read originator Patrick Carman briefed school board members on the activities. This year's line up is expected to entertain and educate thousands of local students. Shaul said this is a rare opportunity.

"It's not often you get to hear your heroes speak," Shaul said. "Hearing an author speak is magic. You get to meet the person that created something you love. You get to hear the story behind the story."

Walla Walla Kids Read is designed to inspire every K-5 child in the Walla Walla valley by bringing students to a world class facility to hear a well known author. All costs, including busing of students to and from the event, are paid for by Walla Walla Kids Read. Shaul says local author Patrick Carman is the engine behind Walla Walla Kids Read.

"Patrick Carman is the magical person behind all of this. He pays for the busing, author fees and tours. He organized the umbrella for the entire Walla Walla Kids Read program."

Summary of Walla Walla Kids Read events:
Thursday and Friday: Elementary students visit Cordiner Hall to meet nationally known authors David Shannon and N.E. Bode

Free Public Event - Friday, March 20
- "Meet The Authors" -- David Shannon and N.E. Bode
- Location: Walla Walla Public Library
- Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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