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Volunteers needed to help Pioneer students assemble food packets for African children

Volunteers needed to help Pioneer students assemble food packets for African children
Pioneer Middle School students and families will be packaging meal packets for African children Friday, April 24th, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Additional volunteer support is needed.

The project is linked to the "Children of the Nation" organization. Volunteers will be assembling food packets that will then be directly shipped to Africa to feed hungry children.

"A truck from Children of the Nations will be coming from Seattle with all packaging materials and supplies needed for the project," said Pioneer PTA President Holly Carrera. "We are seeking 50 to 60 volunteers for this event. We held a candle fundraiser in December with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support this project."

For more information, contact Carrera at: mcarrera@charter.net.

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