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Two Garrison Middle School students serve as Legislative Pages in Olympia

Two Garrison Middle School students serve as Legislative Pages in Olympia
Garrison Middle School 8th grade students Ronnie Weisner and Ryan Yonts recently paged in the House of Representatives. They were sponsored by their 16th District State Representative Maureen Walsh.

During their week in Olympia, the young men distributed documents to representatives and staff and attended page school each day to learn about the inner workings of the Legislature.

They also sponsored mock bills that they proposed to other student pages from around the state. Weisner and Yonts co-sponsored a mock bill to address gangs throughout Washington. Their proposal would require convicted gang members to be sentenced to self-sustaining hard labor camps.

"It's great to see students working in the Legislature and learning about their government," Walsh said. "I hope this will encourage their civic participation in the future."

Since 1891, students from around the state have participated in the Legislative Page program. Pages earn $35 for each day they serve in the program.

Interested students must be between the ages of 14 and 16, have permission from their school and a parent, and be sponsored by a legislator. For more information about the House Page Program, visit: http://www.leg.wa.gov/House/PageInternProgram/housepageprogram.htm.

For more information, contact: Sarah Lamb, Public Information Officer: lamb.sarah@leg.wa.gov or (360) 786-7720.

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