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Blue Ridge dedicates Playground of Dreams in memory of Jeremy Richards

Blue Ridge dedicates Playground of Dreams in memory of Jeremy Richards
Blue Ridge staff, students and parents recently dedicated the Playground of Dreams project in memory of former student Jeremy Richards. Nearly $13,000 has been raised to develop new playgrounds at Blue Ridge.

The fundraising group plans to raise approximately $100,000 to purchase the play structures and all related expenses.

Blue Ridge's current playground equipment consists of steel and wooden structures that no longer meet the needs of the school. The new equipment is designed to peak interest and use.

"Jeremy J. Richards touched the lives of so many of our students," said Tobi Powell, Blue Ridge PTA Treasurer and Playground of Dreams project coordinator. "Jeremy had a dream of seeing his fellow classmates play as he no longer could. We're going to bring Jeremy's dream to life by building the Jeremy J. Richards Playground of Dreams."

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