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Board approves budget savings plan

Board approves budget savings plan
Plan protects classroom and saves jobs
School board members held a public work session Tuesday, May 5 to discuss the district's 2009-2010 Budget Savings Plan. During the regular meeting, school board members approved the district's plan which calls for trimming the general fund budget $3.5 million for the 2009-10 school year.

Washington state's unprecedented financial crisis has sent a shockwave across the state as K-12 education is taking a substantial hit. The district has worked in collaboration with staff, parents, students and community members to make tough budget decisions in light of the economic recession. The district's budget savings plan protects class size, limits the impact on student learning and extra-curricular programs and saves jobs.

"No permanent staff will lose their jobs as a result of our plan. We've made reductions through attrition and transfers to eliminate 16 positions. Other districts around the state cannot make this claim. We appreciate the support and cooperation of our staff through this difficult process," said Superintendent Rich Carter.

Budget Savings Plan Highlights
- Budget reduced by $3.5 million for the 2009-2010 
- Plan focuses on protecting current class size
- Plan has limited impact on student programs 
- No layoffs for permanent staff
- Transfers and service reductions eliminated 16 positions
- Four Dean of Student positions have been eliminated
- Athletic Department budget reduced 10 percent ($115,000)
- Teacher and learning support programs reduced
- Out-of-State travel suspended

Budget Savings Plan online: www.wwps.org

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