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Lincoln High School students to study book on civility

Lincoln High School students to study book on civility
Considerate conduct and civility will be focus areas this year at Lincoln Alternative High School as the students embrace a school-wide book study based on the book, Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct by P.M. Forni.

Lincoln students will participate in monthly recognition assemblies, break down the 25 rules of considerate conduct one at a time and have community speakers visit their school to share their stories of success.

Principal Jim Sporleder says his vision for the school is one based on positive relationships and trust. Today district Risk Management consultant and Bullying Prevention Specialist Mark Thompson presented an overview on civility. One of the activities called on teacher Tom Porter to empty a tube of tooth paste and then put it back in the tube. After Porter struggled to put the tooth paste back in the tube, Thompson made his point to the students.

Once you say hurtful things, you cant take them back, Thompson said. We are going to emphasize taking responsibility to affirm the value and worth of each human being.

Sporleder says he is excited for the school year and believes he can use examples from the 25 Rules of Considerate Conduct as teachable moments daily in his interactions with students.

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