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Students score perfect on WASL "Collection of Evidence" submissions

Students score perfect on WASL "Collection of Evidence" submissions
The Spring 2009 WASL "Collection of Evidence" (COE) scores were released this week and 100 percent of the district's 29 high school students met standard. The Collection of Evidence is an alternative way for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the state learning goals through the submission of classroom work samples in reading, writing, or mathematics.

Students are eligible to submit a COE after having attempted the traditional WASL test at least one time without meeting standard. A teacher serves as an advisor to guide the student in completing and submitting the Collection of Evidence.

"It is very impressive to have every student in the district meet standard on the COEs," said District Assessment Director Ron Higgins. "The success is indicative of the hard work and focus of both the students and the teachers who provided guidance during the development of the collection. We applaud their efforts and are proud of this accomplishment."

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