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Pioneer mom and nurse aids injured Pioneer student

Pioneer mom and nurse aids injured Pioneer student
Wednesday a Pioneer Middle School student was hit by a car at the corner of Ruth and McCabe Streets while he was riding his bicycle home from school. The driver was not cited by local police.

The student received initial first-aid care from Kathryn Southwick-Hess, a long-time Walla Walla resident, nurse and mother of school-aged children, including a student at Pioneer. The student has been treated for his injuries and is recovering at home.

"It was fortunate Mrs. Hess was on the scene and available to help," Pioneer Principal Dana Jones said. "She has always been a willing volunteer and great friend to children in Walla Walla, but in this instance especially, her quick action and skill were truly a blessing."

In light of the accident, Pioneer Principal Dana Jones sent home a reminder to parents asking them to reinforce bicycle and walking safety for students, including wearing helmets, crossing at crosswalks, using sidewalks, and looking both ways before crossing. Parents were also asked to park well back from crosswalks and corners so that students are easily visible to on-coming traffic.

"Our parents and students have responded very well to our request to help keep students safe on their way to and from school," says Jones.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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